terrible tomorrows.

A collection of frightful future ingredients to indulge in some spooky speculation, because sometimes it’s worth thinking about the stuff we don’t want to think about.

The mutants

Pushing the boundaries of the human body by upgrading our physical bodies and in some cases, our senses.

How else might we modify our bodies to unlock new ways to express ourselves? To feel and interact with the world?

  • Extreme plastic surgery

    Bionic Enhancements




    Unlocking New Senses

    Tattoos & Piercings

The cyborgs

Hybrids of the living and the digital. Organic systems augmented by technology.

How might the continued blurring between organic and synthetic create new tensions? Is there value in keeping the two worlds separate?

  • Cyborg Botany

    Brain Machine Interface

    Bionic Eyes

    Living Robot (Xenobot)

    Plants as Sensors

    Medical Implants

    Bionic Prosthetics


The killers

Products, spaces, robots with murderous tendencies. Tech gone rogue.

What other seemingly innocuous spaces and products could become malevolent?

  • Drone Swarms

    Robotic Soldiers


    Predictive Algorithms

    Data Gathering

    Health Implants

The frankensteins

The creation of hybrid lifeforms using synthetic biology and genetic engineering.

How might hybrid lifeforms influence natural selection and evolution? Would certain hybrid lifeforms be banned?

  • Genetically modified organisms

    Organ/limb replacements

    3D printed organs

    Animal hybrids

    Selective breeding

The death eaters

Death serving as a source of nutrients for more sustainable and cyclical agriculture. In a round about way, eating the dead...

What types of ethical considerations should be weighed? Would there be a new type of yearly “thanksgiving” feast provided by those that have passed?

  • Body Composting

    Green cemeteries

    Cemetery gardens

    Cradle Graves

    Vertical Cemeteries as Farms

The apparitions

Technology that makes it so that no one and nothing is quite as it seems. In other words, you can’t quite tell what’s real and what isn’t.

What types of safeguards would be required in the future to ensure that the individual you’re interacting with is who they say they are?

  • Deep Fakes

    Augmented Reality

    Virtual Reality

    Internet trolling

    Virtual Filters

    Alter Egos

The shadows

Big data being collected on your every move, giving you the feeling that there’s something out there affecting, controlling your life.

How might we have better visibility of targeted experiences that are custom built off of our data? Are there benefits or downfalls to making this more “visible”?

  • Big Data

    Data Trails

    Emotional data

    Subconscious Preferences

    Predictive Algorithms


    Personalized Advertising

    Non-Invasive Mind Reading

The undead

Achieving immortality through technology. Not letting death stop you from living (a facsimile of) life.

Should humans be allowed to exist forever, virtually? Is there a certain point that these virtual recreations should die a digital death?

  • AI Generated Personalities

    CGI Individuals

    Chat Bots

    Deep Fakes

    Data Trails

    Immortal Stars

The cannibals

Cultivating and incubating human cells to produce an “ethical” human meat for consumption.

How might lab-grown human samples be used to boost food security? Is there ever a future where this would be desirable?

  • Cellular Agriculture

    3D Food Printing

    Food Incubators

    Skin in a Dish

    3D Printed Organs

    Exotic Steaks

The ghosts

Artificially created individuals who are “there” but aren’t really at all.

In the future, how might we want to identify virtual, synthetic people? Would we want to define digital alter egos and link them to our personalities? Is there value in it being unregulated?

  • DeepFakes

    CGI Individuals

    AI Generated Personalities

    virtual Influencers

    Artificial Friendships

The boogeyman

Responsive digital experiences that are personalized to your preferences. In other words, responsive, personalized horror delivered just for you and your fears.

Are there specific safeguards that should be put in place to protect or limit the extent of the personalized scare? How might this turn terribly bad? In what situations might it be good?

  • Responsive Gameplay

    Data Trails

    Predictive Algorithms

    Personalized Experiences

    Responsive Spaces

    AR/VR Storytelling

    Biofeedback Games

    AI-Led NPCs


Flight Path :: Aviation & Aerospace


Cultivating Tomorrow :: Agriculture & Food